Sunday, January 2, 2011

Boat Lettering

I have taken the past few weeks to put together some ideas on how to promote sponsors and companies that stand behind me in my quest to achieve my fishing goals. I recently watched a short video on Wired2Fish about Denny Brauer and how he talks about the importance of a wrap and how it promotes his sponsors as a rolling advertisement. I thought this was a neat idea, did some research on a lower budget scale and got with Innecken Sign Works to do somy vinyl on my boat and truck. Now, comes the time to execute, which should be in the works very shortly. Applying sponsors or companies you truly stand behind as a source of advertisement is just one of the small things you can do for great companies you believe in, and I've had the pleasure so far with working with Sasquatch Soft Plastics, Xtreme Lure Creations, Innecken Sign Works and Inside Bass Fishing, as they will be represented on my boat and truck as it rolls down the road or is on the water. This is one of the few things I've learned to do in sponsor promotion, and in the end, you have a pretty sharp rig rolling down the road.

By: Cale Milam

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